What are Remote Hands?

Remote hands are professional services performed by colocation support technicians. They permit customers or audiences to emissary the management tasks within a colocation opportunity to technicians hired. This allows colocation audiences to avoid sending their staff to a colocation facility.

It allows customers to work and focus only on interior business tasks. It is a pay-per-use service that enables colocation customers to curtail the need to access resources in the data center to complete tasks. Colocation users, such as 365 data centers, generally offer remote hands services.

The number of small hands services depends mostly upon the colocation companies’ users or providers. Some colocation providers may charge customers a specific price for the hours of remote hands services per month or year, or some companies charge a thirty-minute increase.

Due to the present COVID-19
pandemic, remote hands have become more prevailing as customers’ expectations increase.IT could be helpful for any size of customers.

Why are remote hands so important?

1-Hand minimizes the social interaction with the providers’ client and the data center staff.

2-Its is speedy to response

3-It reduces the traffic of the data center.

4- Clients are becoming more comfortable with remote hands quality as they utilize it. It is becoming famous as service providers and enterprises widely adopt it.

5-Remote hands are increasingly ideal for those huge worldwide clients, but they don’t have enough budget to secure global resources for troubleshooting, but they have a standardized experience.

Customers choose to go with the data centers in more modern and fashionable ways:- REMOTE HANDS, VIDEO STREAMING, and REMOTE TOURS.

Generally, remote hand services consist of the following range of tasks, which are as follows:-

-Power Cycling of equipment and rebooting

-Audits of physical infrastructure

-Labeling and inventory management

-Rack and Stack

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-Requests for handling, shipping, and receiving

-Replacements of Hardware and Spare part

-Equipment performance of reporting

-Observation of primary server and environment reboot

Customers advantages of remote hands are;

-They get to benefit from technical advertising.

-It solves their issues and problems much more quickly and effectively.

-It also removes the expensive 24-hour call cover.

-It is secure, solves, and listens to all users’ complaints.

-It frees up the internal resources on business problems, increasing the business effectively and efficiently.

Colocation providers have said that remote hands are also known as intelligent hands. Still, they are both different as competent hand services are more complex than small hands, and private hand services provide easy and basic tasks like reconnecting cables, rebooting a server, securing a line, etc. These services are provided at no additional cost. All the tasks are completed without a “data center,” whereas innovative hand services provide tasks like equipment testing and troubleshooting, rack and stack, setting up a firewall, etc. A company should clarify what services come under remote hands and intelligent hands services in data centers. These services in a data center benefit the company, especially when working staff cannot manage the problems and tasks. Hence, Both the benefits are invaluable.

Why are remote hands beneficial?


Remote hands technicians are intelligent in quickly and efficiently addressing and correcting problems. Some technicians are also online, so there are no service risks due to waiting for a response from a technician team. Remote hand technicians also have great experience working within the environment of data centers. Whether there are any problems or issues, remote hands services take immediate action.


When things go wrong, they need immediate help; their data center remote hands team is only seconds away. With the Excel monitoring tools, you can track and create IT tickets when you find your network’s problem.


Remote hands service teams start deploying new functions instantly without waiting for the internal team to go to the data center. Companies can transform their data operations at night because of remote handshandices. It’s necessary to update and reinstall software. Because remote hands teams are familiar with all the features and services, they can easily design and implement their services more efficiently and effectively.

With remote hands services, colocation users or customers can rest as they know that if anything goes wrong, they won’t have to travel to the data centers; these remote hands teams can effectively handle it.

Igor Milosevic
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