If your package was not delivered successfully, UPS will leave a UPS InfoNotice. This notice will be left on the door handle, doorknob, or other safe location at the rerecipient’sddress. You may also receive a telephone call from the driver and UPS to notify you of the delivery attempt and arrange a convenient time for UPS to complete the delivery of your package.
The driver may also leave a return tag on the front door so that you may return the package to UPS. In this case, the driver will not leave the package at your home.
If you wish to reschedule delivery or arrange to pick up your package(s), please contact UPS Customer Service at 1-800-PICK-UPS (1-800-742-5877) and provide your tracking number or InfoNotice number.
Please note that if you did not schedule an option with a signature requirement, you do not need to sign to release your package.
Can you refuse a UPS delivery?
Yes, you can refuse a UPS delivery if you will not be home at the time of delivery or if yoyou’reoving to a new house/apartment. You can also refuse a UPS delivery if the package you receive is damaged and you decide that itit’sot worth keeping.
While you can refuse a UPS delivery, it is not recommended.
If you cannot sign for the package, other options may be more convenient than refusing it. You can request delivery without a signature by logging into your UPS account and editing online delivery options. Or you can call UPS ahead of time and ask them to leave the package at your door, but please note that this option means you are relinquishing all responsibility for the box once itit’selivered.
It is also essential to be aware that refusing a UPS delivery may result in additional fees or fines from the business or individual who sent the package.
However, if yoyou’vehanged your mind about a specific item ordered to your address, please call the company that shipped the item and let them know yoyou’veefused delivery. If ththere’sn issue with the item itself, it should be directed toward the ititem’seller.
How can you refuse the delivery of a UPS package?
To refuse delivery of a UPS package you just got and did, call the UPS agent at 1-800-742-5877 and tell them you will refuse delivery. Additionally, you can drop packages off at any UPS location.
To reject delivery of a UPS package that you still dididn’tet, you will need to contact the sender of the package and inform them that you are refusing delivery. Once the sender has contacted UPS and notified UPS that you refuse the delivery, a UPS driver will return the package to your local UPS center.
You may also refuse a package upon delivery by telling the UPS driver that you do not want to accept it, but itit’sarely done, which may take a toll on the delivery man.
However, if you are still keen on refusing a UPS delivery, you may follow these steps:
- Go to ups.com and create an account if you dodon’tlready have one.
- Log in and find the tracking number of your package.
- Select the box you want to refuse and click “C” ange Delivery.”
- “elect “R “fuse” “s your option and provide a reason for refusal.
- Click the “S” bit.” “The package will be returned to us, and we will refund you.
How can you refuse a UPS package before delivery?
You can refuse a UPS package before delivery in four easy steps. Just follow the steps with proper courtesy. To refuse delivery online, you can use the UPS Delivery Intercept service.
These are the steps that you may follow to refuse a UPS package before delivery:
- Go to the UPS website, log into your Tracking page, or call UPUPS’sutomated system.
- You can select “r” on the tracking page to fuse the package.” “Tell the automated agent you want to refuse a package if you call the automated system.
- You will be asked for a reason for refusing the package. Choose from one of the options provided—it dodoesn’tatter which one you choose, as long as it is accurate.
- If possible, wait for UPS to return your package and reschedule its delivery to your old address.
Remember that you can refuse a UPS package before delivery by calling 1-800-PICK-UPS, where you can notify them of your intent to deny a parcel. Please ensure you have the tracking number available when you call so that they can promptly locate your package. If yoyou’renable to reach them, please contact them via live chat or email at ups.com/help and provide the papackage’sracking number yoyou’dike to refuse.
If the package has not yet been delivered, UPS will attempt to intercept it on its route and return it to the sender. If this is not possible, your driver will leave a return label at delivery, which you can use to return the package to UPS for free.
How can you refuse a UPS package after delivery?
If yoyou’veecided to refuse a package after it has been delivered, you can do so by contacting the UPS customer service team. If yoyou’reithin 30 days of delivery and the sender has not requested a return, you can refuse the package and send it back to the sender at no cost.
This guide will help you refuse a package from United Parcel Service (UPS) that has already been delivered.
Step 1: Check your package for signs of tampering
When you check your package, look for signs of tampering. This includes opened tape, tears in the box, or watermarks on the label. If you notice any of these signs, call UPS at 1-800-742-5877 to file a claim.
Step 2: Return the package to UPS
If you’re returning the package because you did not order it, write “R “FUSED” on the front and drop it off at a UPS location as soon as possible. You can find a location near you here: https://www.ups.com/dropoff?loc=en_US.
If you’re returning the package because it is damaged or defective, contact the company that sent it to arrange the return with them instead of refusing it directly with UPS.
How to refuse a UPS package online?
If you need to refuse a UPS package, you can do so online. Alternatively, you can call UPS customer service for a faster and easier process.
If you receive a UPS package in the mail that you do not want, you can refuse it online.
- First, go to ups.com and find the tracking ID number for the package yoyou’reefusing.
- Then, go to MyUPS. You may have to log in with your username and password.
- Then, under “T” acking,” “nput your tracking number into the box and click “T” ack.”
- “ext, go to the bottom of the page, where it says “R” fuse Delivery.” “lick on that link.
- A window should pop up asking if you want to refuse this delivery. Click the button labeled “R” fuse Delivery.”
- “ou will then be redirected back to the main page of MyUPS. Now you should see two options for how to refuse your delivery. Choose one of them—yoyou’llrobably want to choose the option that lets UPS return your shipment to the sender at no cost to you.
- Hit “S” bit.”
“ho pays for return to sender UPS?
If yoyou’reeturning an item via UPS, the sender typically pays for the cost of shipping. However, if they do not pay and you are shipping a package to them, you can refuse delivery when it arrives at your house.
When a UPS driver delivers a package, and the recipient refuses to accept it, the driver returns it to the center. The delivery person then scans the package for damage, confirms that all labels are intact, and verifies that it is in its original condition. If everything is correct, as per UPS policy, the driver returns the package to the sender.
When a shipper provides an incorrect shipping address or the recipient has moved without a new address, UPS will attempt to correct the delivery address and return the package to the shipper.
UPS charges a fee when it returns a package to the shipper because retrieving packages that otherwise would not be returned is valuable. Fees vary by service used.
There are a variety of reasons why people refuse to receive UPS delivery.
The most common reason is that someone else accepted the delivery. In this case, you should contact the sender to arrange further delivery or redirect the package.
Packages are sometimes returned to UPS as undeliverable. You will receive a full refund if the courier returns an undeliverable shipment to UPS (including shipping charges). Orders that are returned to UPS as undeliverable cannot be re-shipped. If you still want to buy the things that were not delivered, you can place a new order on their website.