SEO Website Migration Checklist

In this age of digital competition, business operations, news writing platforms, and other pages thrive on appearing at the top of the search engine list. These pages highlight their content and official platforms within the search engines to optimize their search results and gain maximum viewers and audiences worldwide. However, there is a discrepancy in the number of pages and search engines; therefore, the latter has an organized and systematic filter system. As a result, only a few top-notch platforms make their way into the search engine’s first page. This brand-new concept is known as search engine optimization.

Content creators and writers have been required to utilize critical principles and guidelines of SEO optimization to view content on top of the screen. By following significant aspects of SEO and inculcating concrete terms and phrases within the content, maximum views can be directed towards the website, enabling the platform to reach multiple search inches and build links to highlight the website’s unique content. The concept of SEO is, however, fluctuating and reforming. However, getting the fundamentals and familiarizing with better basic concepts of SEO knowledge can make a considerable difference to the website.

SEO Website Migration Checklist

  • Make a migration plan and checklist
  • Test new website offline (sandbox testing)
  • The migration process starts during a small traffic period
  • Try to Crawl your new site before you begin the migration process
  • Crawl your old URLs again
  • Backup Google Analytics from the old site
  • In Google Analytics, mark dates
  • Set new Google Analytics
  • Search old URLs and replace them with a new one on the website.
  • Check and update all internal links to point to the new domain.
  • Set a new domain in the Google search console.
  • The Google Search Console “Change of Address tool “tries to tell Google about your site migration.
  • Manage and submit new sitemaps in Google Search Console
  • Check and Resolve duplicate content problems
  • Set custom 404 pages, check redirects
  • Change your PPC campaign for a new domain on ad platforms and update your social media profiles.
  • Ask partners and other websites to change the old URL to the new one.

You must publish relevant content and employ suitable keywords to elevate your website’s current ranking and obtain maximum optimization. Using essential keywords and assigning them correctly within the scope can meaningfully uplift your standing.

Furthermore, the content needs to be updated frequently. It is directly linked to the website’s relevancy and accuracy, so content writers need further innovations within the content. The entire idea of SEO optimization is to gain more followers, boost circulation, and increase the possibilities of potential customers. However, avoiding common faults and slip-ups within the content configuring should be dodged. If the platform owner introduces substantial modifications within the website, these variations will likely affect the search engine’s distinguishability. Some evident changes to the website include the website’s location, structure, content, design, or UX.


Site migration

SEO experts use this phrase to direct specific changes observed on a particular website. Unfortunately, these changes influence the search engine’s visibility to some extent. Website modification is essential as the Internet evolves, establishments are revolutionizing, and technology is advancing. Every website owner undergoes site migration and website transformation at the grassroots level. The content, keywords, and structure are already a part of your content that needs to be evolved and upgraded for better visibility. Site migration is experienced if the company’s acquisition and amalgamation are expected.

Moreover, side migrations may also be possible if the website needs to be rebranded and operated under a new name. When this happens, the website owners and content creators’ primary objective is to acquire unsatisfied customer expectations without damaging the existing reputation established over the years.

Site migration is shifting an existing platform or website from one domain to a completely new one. The most common type of migration is going from an HTTP domain to a more secure HTTPS one. This transition is considered intimidating and challenging. However, side migration can be tackled appropriately and systematically despite its difficult status. Otherwise, there are high chances of damaging a company’s performance and name, mainly due to inappropriately implemented site migration.

Transitioning to HTTPS can yield productive results from a business perspective, but search engines will probably react poorly to it. Owners will certainly experience predicaments, and their search traffic will be in limbo.

Use the following methods to evaluate risks identified from SEO migration.

Use a sandbox (test website offline)

Implementation is better if prototypes are practiced first. Site migration will only appear successful if tested on a test server. Ensure proper redirection operation and perform checks before revealing the content to the public. Trying it beforehand will reduce the chances of errors, and if mistakes are observed during the testing, you can identify and rectify them.

Crawling before migration

Crawl your website with Screaming Frog and save it for later use. You need to identify and accumulate an entire list of the URLs available on the old website to prevent them from getting lost because of migration. This can be an ideal opportunity to rectify crawl mistakes and analyze the redirects on the old website. Remove broken or redirected links, which tend to accumulate over time. Additionally, this transition can identify and remove errors on 404 pages during the process. Update links that directly take to redirected pages.

Ensure the new platform is better than the old one

The new website should be cleaner, faster and with less possibility of errors. Ideally, these are the characteristics of SEO-oriented and audience-friendly aspects. Sometimes, web designers and developers generate new programs that are even more complicated and challenging than the previous ones. This will put a hold on your SEO ranking.

If you have transferred your content to a new domain, your initial strategy is to familiarize the Internet with your new environment. Next, you must tell your audience that the previous website has been moved. Next, the old URL needs to be removed, gaining public and audience attention on multiple social media platforms. At this step, vigorous PR and social media tactics are required To steer the traffic from the old platform to the new one. Social media advertisement and PR team will ensure that the public is directed towards the new website.

SEO site migration is bound to produce a hiatus in traffic. This is because Google needs ample time to acquaint itself with the new domain and process the changes made by updating its index accordingly. However, if site migration is appropriately executed, then the likelihood of lower traffic fluctuations will be reduced. With the passage of time and careful implementation, Google will ultimately learn and set the new platform back to its original shape. Regardless, site migration should only be executed and implemented if it is the last resort. If you believe that a stronger rebranding is required, then be prepared to launch it accordingly. SEO migration is only needed if migration will produce a new place and links, and the old site needs to be removed and transitioned to HTTPS.

Igor Milosevic
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