How to Make $20K Per Month Publishing Facebook Posts? – Full Depth Guide

I recently found an excellent YouTube video from my favorite Niche Pursuit podcast, and I want to share the main facts with you!

The speaker, Brian Nagel, shares his experience leveraging Facebook’s bonus program. He discusses his surprising success, including how even his 77-year-old father has gone viral and earned substantial income from the platform.

Brian describes Facebook as an increasingly lucrative avenue for generating revenue, even for people new to digital marketing. He emphasizes how Facebook has become one of the easiest ways to make money online, with some individuals earning substantial amounts, such as $4,000 in the first month and up to $112,000 on a single page in a relatively short period.

The introduction also touches on critical strategies for accelerating success in the Facebook bonus program. Brian mentions the importance of testing, measuring different content approaches, and using virtual assistants (VAs) to run and manage pages, which has been critical to scaling his operations. He also stresses that, while this venture can be time-efficient, only requiring around one or two hours of daily effort, it’s crucial to figure out why specific strategies aren’t working and to adapt accordingly.

This introductory segment lays the foundation for a deep dive into Brian’s digital marketing journey and the practical steps he took to find success using Facebook, overcoming numerous challenges along the way. His story is intended to inspire listeners, particularly those who have faced setbacks, such as Google’s Helpful Content Update, demonstrating that resilience and adaptability can lead to new opportunities even in difficult times.

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Full-Depth Analysis: Facebook Performance Bonus Program

The Facebook Performance Bonus Program presents an exciting opportunity for creators to earn revenue through Facebook by focusing on organic posts, such as images, text, and non-video content. This analysis will break down the program’s core elements, including how it works, how to qualify, potential earnings, and strategies for success.

Overview of the Facebook Performance Bonus Program

The Facebook Performance Bonus Program is part of Facebook’s broader efforts to reward content creators for the engagement they generate on the platform. Unlike monetization programs that rely on video content (like YouTube’s AdSense), this program focuses on image-based and text posts, allowing creators who may not specialize in video production to earn money from their regular Facebook activity.

Creators can earn bonuses based on the engagement (likes, shares, comments) and reach (how many people see the post) of their content. The more viral and engaging the post, the higher the potential earnings. This differs from other programs, like Facebook’s in-stream ads, which are more suited to video content. Users can post memes, food photos, and other typical social content to earn rewards.

Key Benefits of the Program

  1. No Need for Video Content: One of the standout features of this program is that it doesn’t require video content to participate. Creators can post images, memes, and text-based updates to their Facebook pages, reducing the barrier to entry for those who may not have the resources or desire to create video content.
  2. Multiple Pages, Multiple Earnings: A unique aspect of the program is that creators can run multiple Facebook pages simultaneously, with each page participating in the program. This allows savvy users to diversify their content and increase their earning potential by managing several pages within the program.
  3. Viral Posts Lead to Significant Earnings: The program’s earnings are based on post engagement. Viral content can generate thousands of dollars from a single post. For example, one user mentioned earning $1,000 from a post that garnered 30,000 shares and likes.
  4. Low Entry Barrier: Unlike other monetization programs that require significant follower counts or video views, the Facebook Performance Bonus Program has a less stringent entry requirement. While monetization through in-stream ads might require 10,000 followers and millions of views, people with smaller audiences (as low as 2,000 followers) can be invited to this program.

How to Qualify

The eligibility for the Performance Bonus Program is a bit opaque, with Facebook maintaining a somewhat vague set of criteria for participation. The general requirements include:

  1. Facebook Page Requirement: The program is available for users who run Facebook pages. Personal profiles are not eligible for this program.
  2. Geographic Limitations: Only creators in certain countries can participate. This is likely based on Facebook’s broader monetization policies, often tied to country-specific legal and advertising environments.
  3. Invite-Only Program: One critical aspect of the program is that it’s invite-only. Creators cannot directly apply but are invited based on their activity and engagement metrics. Facebook does not publish specific guidelines for how to get an invite, but engagement, post frequency, and follower interaction are significant factors.
  4. Monetization Policies: Facebook requires creators to adhere to its monetization policies, which include content guidelines, community standards, and other rules to ensure posts are appropriate for the platform.

Mystery of Invitations and Requirements

The mystery surrounding the invitation process is one of the program’s more puzzling aspects. While Facebook has clear thresholds for other monetization programs (like 10,000 followers for in-stream ads), the Performance Bonus Program seems less predictable. Some creators with as few as 2,000 followers have been invited, while others with much larger pages have not.

There used to be a feature where page admins could express interest in the program, but this feature was removed recently, making the process even more opaque. However, active engagement and frequent posting appear to increase the likelihood of being invited.

Strategies for Maximizing Earnings

Once accepted into the program, maximizing earnings requires consistent posting and creating content that resonates with your audience. Some key strategies include:

  1. Post Frequently: Pages that post multiple times daily are likelier to be noticed and invited. While posting daily is essential, ramping up activity to multiple posts a day increases engagement potential.
  2. Create Engaging, Shareable Content: Content that encourages interaction, such as memes, questions, or relatable images, tends to perform well. Viral posts with thousands of likes and shares can earn significant bonuses.
  3. Use Multiple Pages: Since each page can participate independently in the program, some creators manage several Facebook pages. This strategy diversifies their content and reduces the risk of relying on just one page’s performance for income.
  4. Leverage Viral Content: One viral post can result in thousands of dollars in earnings. Thus, experimenting with different types of content to find what goes viral in your niche can be critical to significant earnings.

Success Stories and Potential Earnings

Many creators have seen substantial success with the program. For example, one creator mentioned earning $1,000 from a viral post with 30,000 shares and likes. They earned $4,000 from their main Facebook page in their first month. By the second month, after starting a second page, they increased their earnings to over $9,000 on the main page alone. Additionally, their new page, which was just two months old, earned $1,000 in its first month in the program.

These stories highlight the incredible earning potential of creators who can generate viral content and manage multiple pages.

Getting Into the Facebook Performance Bonus Program: Full-Depth Analysis


The Facebook Performance Bonus Program is an initiative created by Facebook to incentivize page owners by rewarding them financially based on their reach and engagement metrics. While the program has been around since 2022, its specifics are still somewhat enigmatic, with randomly distributed invites. This uncertainty has prompted many to explore strategies to increase their chances of acceptance.

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Let’s explore the key strategies that could help accelerate your entry into this program.

1. Set Up or Revive a Facebook Page

The first and most critical step is having a Facebook page. The fundamentals remain the same whether starting from scratch or reviving an old page.

  • New Pages: If you’re starting a new page, ensure a clear niche and well-thought-out branding. Your page should look professional from the outset, with an organized profile picture and cover photo and a cohesive theme for your content.
  • Existing Pages: If you have an old page with content, assess whether the posts and visuals still resonate with your audience or align with current trends. A bit of rebranding and fresh content can help rejuvenate engagement.

2. Run a Facebook Page-Like Campaign

A common strategy among successful users is running a Facebook ad campaign to increase the number of page likes. While organic growth is possible, paid promotions can jumpstart your following.

  • Budgeting for Ads: To gain page likes, spend between $5 and $10 daily. If you aim for fast growth, you can increase the budget to $100 daily. However, ensure your ads are optimized to avoid spending more than necessary.
    • Cost Per Like: Ideally, you should target a cost per like of less than 10 cents. A cost of around 5–10 cents per like is efficient. If your cost per like exceeds 20 cents, your ad copy or targeting might need adjustment.
    • Ad Targeting: To optimize your ad, consider targeting niche-specific audiences based on interests, demographics, and engagement with similar pages.

3. Post Frequently: Content Volume Matters

Simply posting once a day will likely not be enough. The program heavily rewards high engagement and reach, and frequent posting is key to achieving this.

  • Ideal Posting Frequency: Aim to post at least six times a day. Spread these posts throughout the day to maximize visibility across different time zones and times when your audience is active. Tools like Facebook’s native scheduling feature or third-party tools like Buffer can help automate this process.
  • Content Variety: Diversify your posts. Test different types of content, including images, memes, videos, text updates, and polls, to see what resonates most with your audience. Higher engagement increases your chances of getting invited into the bonus program.

4. Study Successful Pages in Your Niche

Learning from successful pages in your niche can provide invaluable insight into what works. Don’t just focus on big brands; sometimes, smaller pages with no websites outperform large corporations on Facebook.

  • Evaluate Content Types: Are successful pages using memes, how-to content, or entertaining videos? What’s their mix of media types (e.g., text, images, video)? Assess their post frequency and tone of voice.
  • Track Engagement Metrics: Pay attention to the number of likes, shares, and comments each type of post receives. This will give you a sense of how your audience might respond.

5. Incorporate Videos (Even if You Aren’t a Video-Focused Page)

While the program focuses on images and text, there seems to be a correlation between posting videos and getting invited. Experiment by adding a few videos to your page, even if your niche isn’t video-centric.

  • Simple Video Ideas: If your page is niche-specific (e.g., food, fitness, etc.), post short tutorial videos or stock footage with captions and minimal effort. Even a simple video, like pouring a drink in a cocktail niche, has helped page owners get invited.
  • Algorithm Insights: Though the exact mechanism behind invites is unclear, video posts may trigger the algorithm to take notice of your page and extend an invitation.

6. Engage in Facebook’s Page Challenges and Badges

Facebook rewards engagement not just from your audience but also from your own interaction with the platform. A simple way to boost your chances is to participate in Facebook’s page challenges and earn badges.

  • Weekly Challenges: Facebook offers challenges to encourage page activity, such as posting a certain number of times per week or replying to a set number of comments.
  • Unlock Badges: As you complete these challenges, you’ll unlock badges that may signal to Facebook that your page is active and engaged with its community. Several users have reported receiving invites soon after participating in these challenges.

7. Post-engaging content that Spurs Audience Interaction

The more likes, shares, and comments your posts receive, the more your page will likely catch Facebook’s attention.

  • Content That Works: Posts that evoke strong emotions (e.g., humor, inspiration, or curiosity) tend to perform well. Memes, quizzes, and controversial opinions (without violating Facebook’s guidelines) can generate significant interactions.
  • Call to Action: Encourage your audience to engage with your content directly. Ask questions, run polls, or prompt users to share their thoughts in the comments.

8. Stay Consistent and Experiment

Success with the Facebook Performance Bonus Program often comes down to consistency. You can improve your chances of getting an invite by posting regularly, analyzing engagement metrics, and continually adjusting your strategy based on what’s working.

  • Patience Is Key: Not every page gets invited quickly. Some pages with large followings wait months, while others with fewer than 2,000 followers are invited in weeks. Be prepared to adjust your approach as you go.

Engagement and Niche Selection in Facebook Ad Campaigns

When driving engagement on Facebook, selecting your niche plays a critical role. How well your niche aligns with user behavior and interests on the platform often determines the potential for virality, long-term engagement, and even the types of content you can post. This analysis will break down critical considerations for both engagement and niche selection.

1. Understanding Engagement

Engagement refers to the interaction between users and your content, including likes, comments, shares, and reactions. High engagement is vital for Facebook’s algorithm to push your content to a broader audience, increasing your organic reach and growth potential. Let’s explore the factors that influence engagement:

a) Content-Type and Frequency

Certain content types are naturally more engaging on Facebook. Visual content such as videos, images, and infographics tend to outperform text-heavy posts, as they are easily consumable and can quickly grab attention in the fast-scrolling environment of social media.

  • Video Content: Video posts and concise clips (under 60 seconds) generate the highest engagement. For example, Facebook users watch 8 billion videos daily, and the platform prioritizes video in its algorithm. Live videos also encourage more interaction.
  • Memes and Quotes: Content that is emotionally charged, funny, or insightful often goes viral, as people enjoy sharing these with their networks.
  • Polls and Interactive Posts: Asking direct questions, creating polls, or running contests are great ways to get users involved.

Posting frequency is another critical factor. For maximum engagement, it is recommended to post multiple times a day (around 3 to 5 times daily). A consistent content strategy helps maintain visibility and encourages users to engage with your page regularly.

b) Timing and Consistency

When you post your content, it is just as important as what you post. Analyzing your audience’s online behavior will give you insight into the optimal times to post. Tools like Facebook Insights can help you identify when your followers are most active, and posting during peak times ensures maximum engagement.

Posting consistently is key to building a loyal and engaged audience. A well-scheduled content calendar can help maintain regularity without overwhelming your team.

c) The Role of Affinity Groups

Engagement can be higher when you tap into affinity groups—communities with shared interests or passions. These groups are deeply invested in their niche and actively seek content that resonates with their interests year-round. Niches such as food, fitness, and lifestyle tend to have active communities that can help content go viral quickly.

2. Niche Selection

Choosing the right niche for your Facebook page is critical. Some niches have higher engagement potential due to their viral nature, while others may be too niche-specific or seasonal to maintain consistent engagement. Here are the key considerations when selecting a niche:

a) Two Types of Users

There are generally two categories of people looking to leverage Facebook for engagement:

  1. Existing Business Owners: These individuals already have a niche tied to their business. For them, sticking with their niche is crucial as their Facebook strategy is an extension of their brand’s goals.
  2. Niche Marketers: These individuals may not have a set niche yet and are exploring profitable, high-engagement niches on Facebook.

b) Evergreen vs. Seasonal Niches

Niches like food, fitness, pets, parenting, and DIY crafts tend to be evergreen. People are interested in these topics year-round, and content is constantly in demand. On the other hand, niches like weddings or holiday-based content can be more seasonal, meaning they might generate bursts of engagement during specific times of the year but slow down in off-seasons.

c) Testing the Waters

You don’t have to assume a niche won’t work without testing. For instance, while a niche like weddings may seem seasonal, there could be year-round solid engagement among professionals like wedding planners or vendors. Similarly, financial niches like tax advice might not seem viral initially, but finance tips or economic news can have pockets of high engagement.

One way to test a niche’s viability is to see how similar pages perform. For example, you can check the page transparency feature on Facebook pages in your niche to view the ads they are running. This allows you to analyze what types of posts engage their audience and model your approach accordingly.

d) High-Engagement Niches

Some niches are more naturally suited to high engagement due to their inherent virality:

    • Food Blogging and Recipes: People love to share recipes, and food videos often go viral. This niche also allows for frequent posting, as new dishes and trends exist to explore.
  • Cocktails and Drinks: Similarly, cocktail recipes and trendy drinks attract a lot of engagement, especially with visual-driven content.
  • Fishing and Outdoor Activities: Hobbies like fishing have solid and passionate communities. Content related to tips, equipment, and personal experiences can generate significant likes and shares.

e) Research Before Diving In

Before committing to a niche, it’s essential to do some research. Facebook pages, YouTube channels, and blogs in similar niches can offer a wealth of information on the type of content that works. Seeing what kind of engagement similar pages get will help you gauge whether your niche can succeed on Facebook.

3. Virality and Content Strategy

Specific niches lend themselves more easily to viral content. For example, memes, how-to videos, and life hacks are popular because they are widely relatable and easy to share. Niches like fashion, beauty, and fitness benefit from the visual nature of Facebook and the possibility for viral trends to emerge, such as fitness challenges or style inspiration.

4. Engagement as the Key to Monetization

Engagement plays a critical role in how Facebook perceives the value of your page. High engagement rates mean that Facebook is more likely to show your content to a broader audience, which grows your follower base. Focusing on creating highly engaging content is essential for those aiming to monetize their page through Facebook programs (like in-stream ads).

Posting and Creating Content for Social Media Engagement

1. Transition from SEO to Facebook Content Creation

The discussion emphasizes the fundamental shift in mindset required when transitioning from SEO-focused content to Facebook-oriented content. In SEO, content like listicles and keyword optimization are vital. For example, blog posts like “Top 10 Pineapple Vodka Cocktails” performed well on Google. However, this type of content doesn’t engage as effectively on Facebook. Instead, individual and unique content, like a creative cocktail recipe with unusual ingredients, resonates better.

Key Points:

  • SEO Mindset: Keywords and ranking are crucial, as well as focusing on what people search for.
  • Facebook Mindset: Creativity and shareability are critical, with viral potential driven by unique, interesting, or surprising content.

2. Importance of Shareable and Engaging Content

Content encouraging users to share, tag friends, or comment is more successful on Facebook than mere likes. Content’s virality stems from its ability to evoke curiosity, excitement, or humor. For instance, content with a viral cocktail recipe succeeded not only because it was unique but also because it tapped into an internet trend (HTU Tua girl).

Key Insights:

  • Content Types That Perform Well: Unique, visually appealing, and contextually relevant content, such as individual cocktail recipes with quirky names or ingredients.
  • Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Posting everyday, well-known items (e.g., an Old Fashioned cocktail) may fail to garner interest due to the lack of novelty.
  • Virality Drivers: Shares, comments, and tags drive engagement more than simple likes. This suggests the importance of content that sparks conversation or brings people together around a shared experience.

3. Differentiating Content Post Types

Traditional SEO and publishing practices often involve link posts, where a URL is shared with an accompanying image and description. However, this method doesn’t translate well to Facebook, where users may not engage with external links as readily. Instead, images and direct content on the platform see higher engagement.

Key Distinctions:

  • Link Posts vs. Image-Heavy Posts: Link posts, while easy to generate, often underperform. Visual content generates higher engagement, especially images that occupy more screen space (like tall or portrait-sized images).
  • Best Practices for Visuals: Contrary to standard guidelines suggesting square or landscape images for Facebook, portrait-sized images perform better because they take up more space on the user’s screen, thus attracting more attention.

4. Detailed Analysis of Visual Elements

In-depth attention to the visual aspects of posts can significantly impact performance. From image size and aspect ratio to the use of text and color combinations, minor adjustments can result in dramatic differences in engagement.

Key Considerations:

  • Image Size: Larger, portrait-oriented images (e.g., 1500px tall by 1000px wide) take up more vertical space and tend to go viral more often.
  • Text and Color Usage: The placement and style of text within the image, including font size, colors, and the amount of text, can impact the effectiveness of the post. Testing different designs and styles is essential to discover what works best for your audience.

5. Maximizing Engagement Through Facebook’s Native Features

Facebook’s algorithm rewards content that keeps users on the platform, a significant shift from traditional SEO, which focuses on driving traffic to external websites. Successful Facebook strategies often focus solely on content that thrives within the platform, such as memes and visual posts requiring no links.

Key Strategy:

  • Keeping Users on Facebook: Content that does not direct users away from Facebook tends to perform better. This strategy aligns with Facebook’s monetization programs, where creators earn based on post engagement rather than traffic to external sites.

6. Content Creation at Scale

A crucial challenge in content marketing is producing large quantities of engaging content. The speaker suggests posting up to six times daily on Facebook to maximize reach and engagement. Repurposing existing content from websites or SEO-driven articles can help fill this volume without exhausting resources.

Tips for Efficient Content Production:

  • Repurposing SEO Content: If a blog post includes a list of items (e.g., a roundup of 15 cocktails), each item can be repurposed as a Facebook post, maximizing the content’s lifespan and reach.
  • Avoiding Plagiarism: While it’s important to avoid copying other people’s content directly, drawing inspiration from existing popular content is acceptable. Adapting ideas to fit your brand and audience is critical.

7. Tools and Resources for Content Creation

Tools like ChatGPT, Pinterest, and other inspiration sources can provide a foundation for generating fresh content for those struggling with creative content ideas. However, originality in presentation remains critical.

Content Creation Tools:

  • AI Tools: Tools like ChatGPT can be helpful for inspiration or assistance with content ideation, but the results may need refinement to be quality.
  • Pinterest and Competitors’ Pages: Browsing similar content across platforms like Pinterest or analyzing successful posts from competitors can inspire new ideas that resonate with your audience.

8. Balancing Quantity and Quality

While posting frequently (up to 12 times a day) can increase visibility, the quality of each post should not be sacrificed. The content should be diverse, visually appealing, and in tune with the audience’s preferences.

Outsourcing is a significant strategy for scaling businesses, improving productivity, and managing resources more effectively. Based on the insights from the transcript provided, here’s a full-depth analysis.

1. Outsourcing Processes to VAs (Virtual Assistants)

The speaker emphasizes that many of their business processes, especially those involving repetitive tasks, are outsourced to VAs. These tasks include research, creating social media content, and managing posts, which are critical to maintaining an online presence. Key insights include:

  • Task Delegation: They delegate research, content creation (using tools like Canva), and post management to VAs. This is vital to running their business more efficiently while focusing on higher-level tasks.
  • Learning Curve: Since many VAs are not experts in the same industry, there’s a learning curve, especially if VAs are not familiar with the niche (e.g., the liquor industry). This requires the business owner to train the VAs by creating detailed instructions, typically videos, to walk them through processes step by step.
  • Quality Control: Despite being highly valuable, VAs are noted to be “80% as good” as the business owner when executing tasks. Therefore, regular feedback, close monitoring, and process refinement are crucial to maintaining output quality.

2. Using Tools to Enhance Efficiency

Several tools are mentioned that play a crucial role in streamlining their workflow:

  • Canva Pro: Canva Pro is used extensively for content creation. It provides access to a vast library of stock images, allowing the team to create visually appealing posts even if they lack custom-made images. This is particularly useful in industries like cocktails, where high-quality visuals are essential.
  • Facebook Planner and Scheduling Tools: These help schedule posts in advance, reducing the need for constant, hands-on content publishing management. Tools like Stro track competitors’ performance, allowing for data-driven content creation and optimizing engagement strategies.
  • Meta Business Suite: This platform offers tools for page management, including responding to comments, monitoring engagement, and inviting people who engage with posts to follow the page. This “inviting engagers” tactic has been identified as a critical factor for increasing follower count and overall engagement.

3. Challenges in Outsourcing

Outsourcing comes with challenges, mainly when dealing with remote VAs from different countries:

  • Cultural Differences: For example, VAs from the Philippines may not be as familiar with the liquor industry as someone based in the U.S. This requires more training and careful communication to ensure they understand the nuances of the content.
  • Training and Process Documentation: Outsourcing success relies heavily on the ability to document processes. The speaker ensures VAs follow exact steps for tasks like research, content creation, and posting by using videos and checklists. Providing feedback and monitoring are crucial steps to improving the VA’s performance over time.

4. Optimizing Engagement on Social Media

The discussion touches on various methods for improving engagement on social media platforms like Facebook:

  • Engaging with the Audience: Merely posting content is not enough to drive engagement. Actively responding to comments, liking posts, and engaging with the audience is essential to signal to Facebook’s algorithm that the page contributes to the community. This increased interaction improves organic reach.
  • Strategic Posting: They suggest experimenting with different types of posts (e.g., memes, referencing website content) and analyzing which posts resonate with the audience. Researching other platforms, such as Pinterest or competitors’ pages, is also part of the content strategy to ensure relevance and engagement.
  • Posting Links in Comments: The speaker highlights a tactic of placing links in the first comment rather than the caption to avoid Facebook’s algorithm potentially penalizing posts with links, which can reduce engagement.

5. Insights for Getting Unstuck

If engagement is stagnating despite consistent posting, a few strategies are suggested:

  • Engage with the Audience: Revisiting the engagement process is critical when posts don’t gain traction. Actively engaging with commenters and replying to audience questions helps boost interaction.
  • Invite Engagers: A highly actionable tip is to invite people who have reacted to posts to follow the page. This can be done through Meta Business Suite, with a limit of inviting up to 1,000 people daily. By doing this, one of their pages saw a dramatic increase in engagement, where one post garnered 10,000 likes, and another 20,000 likes within a short period.

6. Time Commitment and ROI

The speaker emphasizes that managing a social media page is not a “set-and-forget” strategy. It requires consistent effort, especially in the early stages:

  • Time Investment: In the beginning, more time (about 1-2 hours per day) is needed to create posts, engage with the audience, and tweak strategies. Over time, this effort can be reduced by using VAs to handle most of the daily tasks.
  • Return on Investment: By outsourcing repetitive tasks to VAs, the business owner frees up time for high-level decisions and strategy development, leading to higher Efficiency and potential revenue increases. For example, one of their pages generated over $111,000 a month, run entirely by VAs.

7. Monetization and Facebook Bonus Program

Finally, the conversation touches on the ultimate goal of creating viral content that translates into monetary rewards:

  • Content Virality: Viral content and systematic engagement strategies are the gateway to earning money from Facebook’s bonus program and other monetization options. However, getting there requires daily effort in managing posts, interacting with the audience, and tweaking content strategies based on performance analytics.

Important facts:

  • Earnings from Viral Content: There isn’t a clear-cut formula for how much one can earn from viral posts. Variables such as niche, geography, and ad rates significantly impact earnings. For example, a post with 20,000 shares might earn $1,000, while a post with 40,000 shares could only bring in $800. Niche topics like finance and audiences from high-RPM countries like the U.S. tend to generate more revenue than other niches and locations (e.g., viral posts in India with lower ad rates).
  • Seasonality and Ad Rates: Ad revenues fluctuate based on the time of year. For instance, May and June can be high-earning months, while July might dip due to budget adjustments. The last quarter of the year typically sees higher ad revenue, similar to trends in ad platforms like Mediavine.
  • Strategies for Scaling Pages: Beyond just focusing on one page, it is essential to consider creating sub-niche pages. For example, the speaker mentions creating separate pages for different spirits like tequila, whiskey, and vodka in the cocktail niche. These sub-niche pages performed well and contributed to bonus income. Scaling across multiple pages helps maximize reach and income using the same proven content strategies.
  • Diversifying Income Streams: In addition to earning through viral posts, the speaker emphasizes building email newsletters, using affiliate marketing (like linking to Amazon), and cross-posting content between platforms such as Pinterest and Facebook. This diversification helps maximize engagement and revenue opportunities.
  • Engagement Score and Consistency: Quality content that consistently resonates with the audience boosts engagement scores on platforms like Facebook. High-quality content keeps momentum and increases the likelihood of posts going viral more frequently.


Earnings from viral content are influenced by numerous factors, including niche, audience location, and ad rates, which makes it difficult to predict exact revenues. Different niches, such as finance or specific geographic locations like the U.S., tend to generate higher RPMs than others, like India, where ad rates may be considerably lower. Additionally, earnings can fluctuate based on the time of year, with trends showing that ad revenue often dips in the first month of a quarter but peaks in the final quarter. Interestingly, viral content doesn’t always correlate directly to higher earnings, as some posts with more engagement can earn less than those with fewer shares.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of scaling content creation and engagement, mainly through smaller niche pages catering to specific audiences, such as fans of tequila or whiskey. Creating these sub-niche pages allows a business to diversify its reach and increase potential earnings through multiple streams while maintaining a cohesive brand identity. Consistent, high-quality content that regularly engages audiences helps boost a page’s “engagement score,” similar to the authority score in SEO.

Facebook appears to prioritize pages with high engagement, leading to more frequent viral content and higher potential earnings. To diversify income streams, it is beneficial to add affiliate links, especially for commonly asked-about products like glassware in the cocktail niche. Simple hacks, such as optimizing the Facebook call-to-action button to direct users to a newsletter signup, can significantly boost newsletter subscriptions and overall engagement.

Moreover, cross-promotion between platforms, like testing content across Facebook and Pinterest, allows for more growth opportunities and insights into what works best on each platform. Viral content can also be repurposed across social media channels to revitalize engagement and maintain momentum. Scaling content creation involves testing new strategies with smaller pages or virtual assistant teams, enabling efficient replication of successful tactics.

Establishing multiple pages in sub-niches, whether focused on cocktails, dogs, or fishing, can be an effective strategy to boost bonus income and drive traffic. Ultimately, beyond the bonus programs, leveraging these pages to direct traffic to leading websites, capture newsletter signups, and enhance affiliate sales presents a robust opportunity for growth and success in the digital landscape.

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