How to Reactivate Deleted Onlyfans Account? – Recover OnlyFans!

OnlyFans is the hottest new social media platform that discreetly lets you connect with your fans and followers. On OnlyFans, you can post only photos and videos that are visible to those who subscribe. You can also send personal messages to your subscribers so they feel they’re getting an exclusive look into your life and won’t have to worry about their friends seeing it!

There are two payment options available: free or paid. To read about Onlyfans AMEX card payment, visit our page.  The free option allows you to access all of our features and only requires you to upload photos, videos, and other content you create yourself. The paid option gives you access to all our features and exclusive content from your favorite artists.

Signing up is easy! Once you’ve created an account, click the “Create Profile” button at the top of the page and fill out the form provided (including uploading some pictures or videos). Clicking “Create Profile” will automatically take you back to the homepage, where you can browse profiles or upload content yourself!

However, there are times when users delete their accounts, later regret it, and would like to have them reactivated. If you’re one of those users, you’re on the right page!

If you’re trying to reactivate a deleted Onlyfans account, we have good news: it’s not too complicated. Anyone who has a deleted OnlyFans account can be reactivated.

reactivate onlyfans account

How do you reactivate a deleted Onlyfans account?

  1. Go to and enter your email address and password.
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, click “Forgot Password.”
  3. Enter your email address and click “Continue.”
  4. Once you have recovered your password, log into your account by clicking on “Log In” in the upper right-hand corner of the page, then choose whether you want to create a new account or recover an old one (you should see a list of all of your old versions). Click on “Reactivate Account.”
  5. You will be taken through a series of steps and have to verify that you are trying to reactivate your account before it becomes active again!

messeage that you will receive in Onlyfans after you retreive password

How do we recover the Onlyfans account?

To recover the Onlyfans account, do the following steps:

  • Step 1: Log in to your account.If you’re unsure how to log in, check out articles on logging into your Onlyfans account. Once you’re logged in, continue to Step 2 of this guide.
  • Step 2: Review the information in your email confirmation email. This is important! If there’s any information missing from this email, like an error code or link, we’ll need it for the next process step. Make sure that everything looks good before continuing!
  • Step 3: Contact OnlyFans by filling out an online form or sending an email directly to from your registered email address. You can also call them at (888) 547-8669 and mention that you’re trying to recover from an error code or other issue preventing you from logging into your account successfully.

Why do we sometimes delete the OnlyFans account?

People sometimes delete their OnlyFans accounts because they’re busy. Sometimes, their life gets in the way of their social media presence. Maybe they’re on vacation and don’t have time to post, or they’re too busy with work to keep up.

People delete their Onlyfans accounts for a variety of reasons.

Some people delete their accounts because they’re trying to avoid being found by an ex-partner or ex-lover. If you’ve ever been in a relationship and had pictures of your partner posted on Onlyfans, you know it can be straightforward. And if you want to keep your life private, deleting your account is one way to do that.

Some people also delete their accounts because they feel their content has been stolen or misused. This happens most often when fans take screenshots of the performer’s OnlyFans profile and then repost them on other platforms like Instagram or Twitter without permission from the performer.

Finally, some people choose to delete their account for more personal reasons: they might be dealing with depression or anxiety, or they may have other personal reasons why they don’t want anyone else seeing what they post on Onlyfans anymore.

What do I do if my OnlyFans account is deleted?

You can follow some basic steps if you have an OnlyFans account that was deleted. You can always directly contact OnlyFans, but the following are essential steps to follow before calling them:

  • If your OnlyFans account has been deleted, you can request to have it reinstated. This process is straightforward and will only take a few minutes.
  • First, go to the OnlyFans website and click “My account.” This will take you to the login page for OnlyFans.
  • Next, enter your username and password and hit “login.” If you do not remember your login information, click “Forgot password?” to take you to a page where you can reset it yourself.

Restore the Suspended Onlyfans account.

To restore the suspended Onlyfans account, you need to write an email to and, in a mutual conversation, find the solution.

If you successfully recover your Onlyfans account, payment can be the next thing that can be trouble for you. One big question: How do you transfer money from Onlyfans to your bank account? With enough balance, you can quickly transfer money to your account using a wire transfer. However, if your account is suspended, Onlyfans can keep your money.

See terms from the website:

“OnlyFan Payments which would otherwise have fallen due during the period of suspension will be suspended. We may withhold all or any part of the Creator Earnings due to you but not yet paid out by section 13 of the Terms of Use for Creators.”

You need to solve this kind of problem using email communication.


In conclusion, most people who delete their OnlyFans accounts do so because they feel the platform is not working for them. They may have been hoping to gain more followers and views on their content, but they are not getting the results they were looking for. This can discourage users from starting on the platform, especially if they’ve been using it without seeing any growth.

The second reason people delete their OnlyFans account is that they feel they are not getting enough value from the service. OnlyFans offers many ways to interact with fans and followers, but some users may think nothing new or exciting is happening. For these users, it might seem like there’s no point sticking around if all they’re doing is posting pictures and getting essential engagement back in return.

The third reason people delete their OnlyFans account is that they find another social media platform that works better for them than OnlyFans. Some users may have found success on other platforms where they have gained more followers or views than on OnlyFans; thus, it makes sense for them to move over to this additional platform.

Nevertheless, there are still those who would like to come back and reactivate their accounts. If you’re one of those, hopefully, this article helped you!

Igor Milosevic
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