How Does Indeed Work for Employers?

Indeed is an innovative free service that offers job seekers the ultimate opportunity to find their dream role. It is a platform where employers, job search engines, and other organizations can quickly post job openings and recruit talent while making it easier for talented individuals to discover the perfect career path. Indeed, it makes it simple to search and filter through thousands of current jobs in various sectors, such as sales, engineering, administration, business consulting, customer service, IT, and more.

Indeed logo

The website uses powerful algorithms to display the most relevant jobs for each user based on their specialties or interests. Besides providing access to thousands of potential job postings worldwide, Indeed also offers additional helpful features such as resume-building tools, salary comparison calculators, and expert advice from industry professionals. Employers have access to an expansive database of top candidates who could be an excellent fit for their organization or vacancy. Furthermore, Indeed also provides detailed analytics, allowing employers to gain insights into hiring trends and evaluate potential candidates more accurately. Indeed has revolutionized the recruiting process like never before by creating a modernized system for connecting job seekers with employers quickly and efficiently.


How Does Indeed Work for Employers?

Indeed is an online job board that allows employers to post jobs and search resumes, allowing them to find suitable candidates quickly and easily. Employers can create a profile on Indeed, including their contact information, company description, and any additional content they’d like. This makes it easy for potential applicants to learn more about the company.

You can learn how to message employers on Indeed in our article.

indeed employer dashboard

There are six steps that Employees need to do on the Indeed website:

  • Step 1: To start, employers must create an account on Indeed. This can be done quickly and easily by providing an email address and a password. Additionally, employers will be asked to provide basic information about their company, such as its size, location, industry, and website.
  • Step 2: After creating their accounts, employers can start posting jobs on Indeed. They can choose from various job types, including permanent and temporary positions, full-time and part-time roles, internships, freelance opportunities, and more. When creating a job listing, employers should provide as much detail as possible about the position (including required skills and qualifications) so that suitable candidates can apply.
  • Step 3: Once a job listing is posted on Indeed, it is automatically made available to the millions of people searching or browsing the site daily. Indeed’s résumé database feature allows employers to search for potential applicants who have already applied for other jobs or uploaded their résumés onto the site.
  • Step 4: As applications come in through Indeed’s platform, employers can manage them in one centralized application tracking system. From there, they can review résumés quickly and efficiently by filtering applicants by skill set or experience level – allowing them to narrow down qualified candidates much faster than traditional recruiting methods.
  • Step 5: After deciding which candidates to interview for open positions or contract work, employers may use Indeed’s interviewing tools or schedule software (for remote interviews) to schedule meetings with potential team members. This allows companies to set up interviews with multiple candidates at once – no matter where they are located – making it easier than ever to find perfect talent matches for any organization!
  • Step 6: Finally, once a decision has been made regarding which candidate(s) should be hired, employers may then use Indeed’s onboarding solutions, such as automated background checks (to ensure safety) and contract management solutions (to help teams quickly draw up legally binding agreements). This ensures that organizations have all the necessary paperwork before onboarding new hires!

Once employers have created a profile on Indeed, they can post job openings. Employers can also use Indeed’s matching technology to find high-quality candidates most likely to be interested in their job postings. They can even use advanced filters such as location, experience level, and salary expectations when searching for applicants on Indeed.

Indeed, it also allows employers to see analytics of their job postings’ performance. They can see how many people have viewed or applied for each post and what kind of responses they’re getting from potential applicants. This helps employers track how effectively their job ads are performing so that they can adjust accordingly.

Furthermore, Indeed also gives employers access to tools that allow them to review resumes quickly and efficiently. Indeed’s resume review tool enables employers to filter through multiple resumes and quickly assess candidates’ qualifications based on specific criteria such as skills or education level. This saves time since employers don’t have to review each applicant’s resume to decide on hiring manually.

Finally, Indeed also offers several features that help employers manage the hiring process more effectively. For instance, they can set up automated emails that remind candidates about upcoming interviews or follow up with those who have not been selected yet with personalized messages. Additionally, indeed offers interview scheduling tools so that employers can book virtual interviews with potential applicants without having to leave the platform itself.

When a person applies for a job, there’s no guarantee that the employer will select them.

When an employer doesn’t select a person after submitting their application with Indeed, it could mean a few different things. Generally speaking, it likely means their resume or qualifications didn’t match what the employer sought.

What does not selected by employer mean on Indeed?

“Does not select by the employer” means that the resume or qualifications didn’t match employers’ preferences. Another reason could be that other applicants had more experience or better stuff, making them stand out from the competition. It’s also possible that the employer changed their mind about what kind of candidate they wanted to hire for that particular job.


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It should also be noted that employers may not reach out directly to applicants who have been rejected for certain positions. This means that someone might not hear back from an employer after applying for a position on Indeed, even if their application was read and considered by the hiring manager or recruiter.

The critical thing to remember when you don’t get chosen by an employer on Indeed is that it doesn’t necessarily mean your skills and qualifications aren’t good enough; it just means other candidates were more suited to the job in question. In some cases, being rejected may give you valuable insight into how you can improve your chances of getting hired next time around. For example, if you weren’t accepted because you lacked a specific skill or qualification, taking extra courses in school or participating in online workshops can help set you apart from your competition next time.

In conclusion, not being selected by an employer on Indeed may be a setback. Still, it doesn’t have to mean anything wrong about you if you use it as a learning opportunity and keep improving yourself to be better prepared for future applications!

What does viewed by employer mean on Indeed?

If you see the label “Viewed by the employer” next to your resume, it means that someone from the hiring company has reviewed it.

When looking for a job, you’ve probably noticed the phrase “Viewed by Employer” in job postings. This feature is available on job search websites such as Indeed and indicates which employers have viewed resumes during their recruitment processes. In other words, if you see this label next to your resume, it means that someone from the hiring company has looked at it!

To better understand what “Viewed by Employer” means, let’s look at how employers use Indeed and other similar platforms when searching for potential candidates. Generally, companies will post a job opening online via Indeed or another website and wait for applications. At this point, the employer typically looks over the resumes submitted to assess each applicant’s skills and qualifications. Once they’ve narrowed their list of candidates, they may mark specific summaries with a “Viewed by Employer” label.

The purpose of this label is twofold: firstly, it allows employers to track which resumes they have reviewed quickly, and secondly, it gives applicants an indication that someone from the hiring company has seen their resume. While having your resume marked as “Viewed by Employer” doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be offered an interview or even considered for the position in question, it does show that you’ve made an impression on at least one person within the organization!

It’s worth noting that not all employers use this feature when searching for potential candidates; however, those who do generally find it helpful as it helps them quickly identify promising applicants among dozens or even hundreds of submissions. Also worth noting is that some websites like Indeed allow employers to leave comments about each candidate after viewing their resume. So, if you’re lucky enough to receive one of these comments along with the “Viewed by Employer” label next to your application materials, there is a good chance you’ll be contacted soon!

All in all, seeing “Viewed By Employer” next to your resume can be encouraging news, especially when applying for multiple jobs–it’s important not to get too caught up in deciphering its meaning or reading too much into it. After all, every employer searches and evaluates applicants differently– so whether or not you receive positive feedback from one recruiter doesn’t necessarily indicate how things will turn out with other recruiters or companies down the line.

Can Employers Give You a Bad Review on Indeed?

Yes, employers can give bad reviews on Indeed. This includes positive and negative feedback about a job seeker’s experience with them as an employer. They may also be able to provide critiques of their performance or attitude during the interview process.

You must ensure that your online reputation is suitable when looking for a job. While employers do not often leave reviews of former employees on websites like Glassdoor and LinkedIn, many people wonder if they can also seek bad reviews on Indeed.

However, there are some limitations to what an employer can include in their review on Indeed. For starters, they must obey all applicable laws surrounding potential discrimination or harassment based on race, sex, age, religion, etc. Additionally, any review must be based only on facts; subjective opinions about a candidate’s suitability for a position cannot be included in any study by an employer on Indeed. Furthermore, the language used should always be professional and non-derogatory; reviews containing offensive or disparaging remarks will not be tolerated and may result in the deletion of the review or suspension of an employer’s account with Indeed.

Additionally, when leaving a review of a former employee’s work performance or conduct during the interview process, employers should strive to remain objective rather than biased against any particular candidate due to personal biases or preferences. Similarly, criticism regarding a given individual’s performance must remain balanced; overly negative comments should be avoided at all costs as they do not provide helpful insight into whether or not someone would be suitable for a particular position within your company or organization.

While employers may indeed (again) give bad reviews on Indeed when reviewing past employees or job applicants, they must still adhere to specific guidelines to ensure fairness and avoid potential legal issues concerning discrimination or defamation of character. As long as these rules are followed, no one must fear being unfairly judged by former employers when searching for their next opportunity via this popular jobs platform!


Advantages of Indeed service for Employers

Indeed, it is a compelling platform for employers to connect businesses with job seekers. It makes it easy for employers to post jobs, find the perfect candidate, and review candidates quickly and accurately using Indeed’s advanced search tools. Employers can target suitable candidates using Indeed’s filters, such as location, job title, experience level, industry, etc. Furthermore, employers can easily manage their postings on Indeed and access a wide range of helpful analytics to measure the success of their campaigns. Indeed also provides additional services such as resume parsing, background checks, and employee assessments to help employers make even more informed hiring decisions. Indeed offers a comprehensive suite of tools that make it easy for employers to find and hire the best candidates for their organization.

The advantages of this system are numerous, from reducing time spent searching through applications to efficiently targeting the ideal candidate profile – it has become a leading employer-centric platform in today’s highly competitive job market. Indeed, it saves employers time and money by allowing them to focus on applicants who meet their requirements without going through hundreds of irrelevant CVs. The advanced search features also allow employers to hone in on potential hires precisely, ensuring they only receive suitable applications. Moreover, by taking advantage of the additional services offered by Indeed, such as background checks, employee assessments, and recruiters or consultants – employers can ensure they hire the best candidate for their needs quickly and effectively while saving valuable resources.



Overall, using Indeed is an excellent way for companies of all sizes—from small startups to large multinational corporations—to find top-notch talent quickly and efficiently while maintaining control over their recruiting process from start to finish. With its comprehensive suite of features designed specifically for the needs of modern employers today, it’s no wonder why hundreds of thousands of recruiters worldwide turn to Indeed every day when sourcing new employees for their businesses.

Indeed, working for employers is an invaluable asset, and it helps them reach out to qualified applicants more easily and effectively. It helps simplify recruitment processes while providing users with enhanced search capabilities and improved analytics data, which can be used to gain insight into candidate behavior or trends within your company or industry – transforming the way recruitment works for large and small organizations!

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith is an experienced economist and financial analyst from Utah. He has been in finance for nearly two decades, having worked as a senior analyst for Wells Fargo Bank for 19 years. After leaving Wells Fargo Bank in 2014, Daniel began a career as a finance consultant, advising companies and individuals on economic policy, labor relations, and financial management. At, Daniel writes about personal finance topics, value estimation, budgeting strategies, retirement planning, and portfolio diversification. Read more on Daniel Smith's biography page. Contact Daniel:

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